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September 20, 2006



Lest people think we were displacing homeless people last July as we downed oysters in the "basement of Grand Central", I think it would clarify matters if I noted that we were in the portion of the basement which is leased to the venerable Oyster Bar. To be more exact, we were in the Saloon at one end of the Oyster Bar, not in the cacophonous main dinning area.
I wish I had the skill to post a picture of The Panero and his future bride looking, perhaps squinting, at the silver object gifted to them by Mr. & Mrs. P. Alas, I lack any such skills.
As an historical note, this was the same gathering where Stefan Beck picked serious up street cred with certain Midwestern ladies, who have ever after conferred on him the moniker "Bad Boy."

Card's wife

What about that picture of Fiendish ...

Mrs. Peperium

Do you mean Basement Boy?

Card's wife

There's something very unprofessional about calling Patum Peperium's official legal counsel Basement Boy.

Mrs. Peperium

I know....

Basil Seal


Are you looking for this?

Mrs. Peperium

Thanks Basil. Now we're looking for the Bad Boy, seersucker and a cow creamer...

Card's wife

I can see your oysters.

Mrs. Peperium

Now the Finishing School Girl for Art in me would say, "Which ones?" But the Roman Catholic Girl for Art within says, "Yes. They were delicious. I wish I had a plate now."


Basil, you'd better quit now while you're ahead. These Roman Catholic Girls for Cocktails are a dangerous bunch. Particularly when it gets to be about 5 pm (more like noon if I know them...and I do).

Basil Seal

Good call Card, I'll just go ahead and keep my dog out of this fight...

Mrs. Peperium

We don't need your dog, we require the Bad Boy. Don't we Card's wife?

Basil Seal

I will require another copy of said photo...Mrs. C?

Card's wife

So...you can land a Harrier, but you don't want your dog in this fight?

Woof! Woof!

Mrs. Peperium

1. Who is fighting?

2. Is your dog named Bob?

Basil Seal

Who has a dog named Bob?

Card's wife

Card's mother had a Boston Terrier named Bob. Is that who you mean?

Card's wife

Basil, photo has been sent.

Mrs. Peperium

Basil, you're at the point where you need a lawyer. I know a lawyer with a dog but I'm not sure his dog is Bob either...

Mrs. Peperium

By the way Card's wife, have I ever told you what a lovely bark you have? So demure and fetching.

Card's wife

Card once had a dog named Beeky. A prize goes to the one who can name the Alfred Hitchcock film from which this name came. And the actor who played the role.

Basil Seal

Suspicion--Nigel Bruce

Andrew Cusack

Surely we don't have Harriers, do we?

I used to sit on the West Sands and watch many an RAF jet take off and land from RAF Leuchars across the estuary from St Andrews.

Mrs. Peperium

Our neighbor two doors over has two English Setters named Nigel and Bruce.

Andrew, you'll have to ask Basil where he gets his Harriers. It's not polite for a lady to.


I just want you to know, Basil, that no sooner had my wife posted that than I said to her, "I know Basil will get it in no time. It's exactly the sort of thing he'll know instantly." And I was right.

Now I'm very excited to see what you've won. I'm quite curious about what my wife has in the way of "prizes."

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