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May 29, 2007


Card's wife

This sounds great.

The Maximum Leader

I did not know that there were special corn-fed birds raised just for this dish. I had no idea at all. I have labored under the impression that this recipe was used for disposing of old roosters who were no longer holding up "their end of the bargain" in the hen house. Indeed, I always make coq au vin using old roosters from my friend Smallholder's farm...

Mrs. Peperium

I guess Smallholder is not a romantic.

Christine, my mother once singed her eyebrows but not by igniting cognac. One of the dogs had knocked the flame height control off our gas grill and she didn't see a need for replacing it. We all refused to light the thing because one never knew what would happen. So she would light it. One day she toddled out to the patio to light it. One of my sisters and I remained in the kitchen. There was this great whoosh, a scream and she came flying in the house as white as a ghost with eyebrows singed into little cork screws. My sister and I fell on the floor laughing and she kept repeating "It's not funny." Which made us laugh all the harder.

The gasman appeared the next day to install new knobs....


Mrs. P,
Oh my goodness! I'm glad she wasn't hurt.

Having never had rooster myself, I'd be interested to know how it tastes compared to chicken. The meat's a bit tougher, I understand?

Dan Patterson

So, a rooster that isn't keeping up his end of the bargin winds up with his neck on the chopping block. Just like a French leader. I see the connection now. Thank you for the insight.

Dan Patterson
Arrogant Infidel

The Maximum Leader

Christine - Rooster meat is normally near unedible for being so tough. Tough if you just kill the bird and cook it. We let the bird marinate at least overnight, if not for a full day. My recipe is a little different from yours. I don't have it handy or I'd give you the details. But I brown the peices in oil, then sautee the veggies and bacon. After deglazing the pan I put the chicken with the bacon, onions/shallots and wine mixture and let it sit in the fridge for 8 to 24 horus. Then I cook it very slowly in a sealed dutch oven. It turns out wonderfully.

Mrs P - Smallholder ain't no romantic when it comes to his animals. They have to do what they are there to do... Or they git et'ted up.


Sounds delish.

Mr. Peperium

Yes Christine, as a reader of military history, where armies of various nationalities are always being thrown back on whatever is available in the last unraided hencoop, I assumed that the Coq soaking up the Vin was always something tough and stringy and past his shelf date. Thanks for the enlightenment and for a very nicely penned post. I do tend to think this little communal experiment will turn out, like stone soup, delicieux.

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