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October 31, 2007


Old Dominion Tory

As I recall, there are tales of the Sudbury's Old Wayside Inn--made famous by Longfellow's "Tales of a Wayside Inn"--being haunted by the ghost of a woman.
The village in which I grew up allegedly boasts (if that's the right word) two haunted houses--the Old Yarmouth Inn and the Colonial Inn. Both of them are on Route 6A, a.k.a., Old King's Highway. In the village of Barnstable, there were two old taverns that were allegedly haunted as well.

Mrs. Peperium

I once got lost in Salem's huge cemetary on Halloween. Never saw a ghost but was perfectly convinced I was going to see about 3 trillion....

Old Dominion Tory

On foggy nights, the area around the Cape's Great North Marsh are redolent of the moors in The Hound of the Baskervilles. Quite atomspheric in a Victorian-Gothic way.

Old Dominion Tory

Sing it, Bing!

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