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December 20, 2007



So the big question, Fr. M, is which personality type are YOU?

Father M.



Some of the so-called weaknesses of cholerics are as follows (although I tend to find them strengths):

Enjoys controversy and arguments
Won't give up when losing
Dislikes tears and emotions
Demanding of others
Demands loyalty in the ranks
Knows everything
Decides for others
Can do everything better
Is too independent
May be right, but unpopular

That last one is me in a nutshell. One test I took said I was more choleric, another, more melancholic. Whatever the case, I seem to be a mix of both...

Laraine Bennett

Thank you, Father M., for recommending our book! I am glad you enjoyed it! We are working on our second book, which Sophia is tentatively calling "The Temperament God Gave...Your Spouse"! (For those of us who like to place the blame elsewhere...;-))Merry Christmas to you!

Father M.

Your book has caused quite a stir in my office and has been an eye-opener and an excellent resource for several of us.
I look forward to reading your next book.
God Bless you.

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