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November 10, 2009


old school lady

I spent most of my life living on the shores of Lake Ontario. I think I miss the roar of the winter lake more the the lapping of the summer lake.


We have a small cottage on Lake Huron near Port Sanilac. Although we don't get there much anymore, the summer weekends spent watching upbound and downbound freighters saved my life.

Thanks for the link, have updated to include your video - which is excellent. Although just a bit creepy.

Mrs. Peperium

All maritme disasters have a certain romance and creepiness to them. I think it's because a shipwreck is a mass grave.

I used to consider it a sign of good fortune when spying 4 freighters on the lake at the same time. Watching them -anytime of year- was remarkably soothing. In December, I loved the freighters that went by at night with the Christmas tree all lit up on deck...

Old Dominion Tory

On my visits to Mrs. Tory's home (a mere two blocks from Mrs. P's former residence in Michigan), a walk and drive down Lakeshore Drive always is a must no matter the season. However, there was something special about seeing ships lit up on a winter's night. Quite a sight.

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