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December 23, 2009



I think there's a certain natural attraction in historickal determinism as a kind of refuge: If you start playing the What If game - If J.E.B. Stuart had done his job tracking the Union Army, if Longstreet had persuaded Lee to break off and find a good defensive position...Heck, if Meade had gone with his own preference to fall back to Plum Creek...well, you can quickly find yourself in a state of madness contemplating all those roads not taken, especially when you realize that they are literally infinite.

But never mind all that. In fact, I for one am glad that you suffered defeat because I have been amusing myself ever since I read that post with a vision of Mrs. P decked out as a Scarlett O'Hara in butternut uniform saying, "Suh, you are mah priz'nah!"


I remember the era when Mr. P's posts got hardly any comments--creating yet another awkward situation from time to time in the P hosehold. So I am happy to say that this was a very interesting reflection, Mr. P. By the by, I have a seat belt on my bar stool for just such moments as my reading of Mrs. P's initial account. And I am still skeptical about the claim that Mr. P won the Regrettysburg rematch (Re-Regrettysburg?) fair and square.

Old Dominion Tory

Excellent thoughts on numerous topics, Mr. Peperium.

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