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December 03, 2009



Bon anniversaire, Madame P!


Happy Birthday, Mrs P!

Nicely put, Mr P!

Lots more Brownies here:


Sir Basil appears to be among them.

Old Dominion Tory

Happy Birthday, Mrs. Peperium!
Sounds dessert time at the Peperium house this evening will be a fine one, indeed.
One question, however: seeing as you now live by Sir Basil and the Countess are presents really necessary?


Happy Birthday!!
I hope you always choose pond-free villages, because I think we are all in for more hair-bleaching.

Dewey From Detroit

Happy Birthday Mrs. P, from MOTUS and the two-Deweys. Hot fudge peppermint ice cream brownie cake! You've soooo got yourself a winner.

Mrs. Peperium

Thank you everyone.

Crackie -that cracked me up. ODT, yes, even more presents in fact...

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