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March 03, 2010


Father M.

Latin. How you can damn people to hell in the language of the angels.

Old Petronius was actually quite a witty potty mouth. It would be fun to hear some of his phrases come out of Michelle's Mirror...

Dewey From Detroit

Father M,
Oh dear! Latin from MOTUS!
I did hear her call out once "audio,video,disco!" but I believe she was just testing the Big White's Ivy Leaguers. Since Lady M handed her an iPhone, I think it will be safe for her to speak in the tongue of Cicero from time to time.

Thought you might enjoy Christopher Buckley's take on Americans familiarity with the language from today's WSJ:

"We got a brief intermission from the long-running "Watergate—The Movie" in October 1973 when Vice President Spiro Agnew pleaded nolo contendere—greatly enlarging the Latin vocabulary of most Americans—to tax evasion and accepting $29,000 in bribes, as governor of Maryland. This was the first time many Americans learned that you had to pay tax on bribes."

Everything I know about Latin I learned from Perry Mason. And Sister Peter Verona.

WSJ link: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704187204575101940298534452.html?mod=WSJ_LifeStyle_Lifestyle_5


Mrs. P you have positively re-vitamized Team Obama.

We were getting our message out. Big Guy was reading TOTUS flawlessly, but why was there so much opposition. Then you gave us the answer: We said what had to be said, but the peeps understood it!

Duh, we coulda’ said it in Latin!

With the new Latin language packs on my hard drive, coupled with my world renowned powers to alter reality, it looks like I’m going to be busier than ever.


Father M, Thanks to Mrs. P’s post, it looks like your wish will come true.

No more time off for this mirror.


Did I thank you for bringing this to our attention?

Gratiae nusquam,


Mrs. Peperium


Did you read this in the Hill this morning?

"Sentio aliquos togatos contra me conspirare." - Rahm Emanuel.


Mrs. P:

Yes I did. And I think there are. I told him last week, "Toes, Cave Idus Martias".

Mrs. Peperium

Certamen bikini-suicidus-disci mox coepit? Si sic carpe cerevisi! Et solum sursum MOTUS!

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