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June 28, 2010



Well done, Sir.

This has always been a favorite painting of mine. When I was a boy, I always wondered about the dog in the foreground.

Old Dominion Tory

Cracking post, Mr. Peperium. Excellent work on Washington and his style of command.

Mr. Peperium

Thank you both. The dog, I assume, is a company mascot--one of the few to survive the mess kettles of Valley Forge.

As for Washington's style of command, he always reminds me of Woody Allen's maxim, "90% of life is just showing up". Washington was always there. He never gave up. No one was more conscious of his shortcomings than himself, but he never let that knowledge stand in his way. Yes, part of that was his towering ambition. But it wasn't a dangerous ambition, an ambition for Power for the sake of Power. It was an ambition to be Great. As George III said when he heard of Washington's resignation from army command and retirement into private life--as opposed to a seizure of the reigns of power that several were urging on him--"if this is true, he is the greatest man on earth".

And thanks for the article, ODT. I picked up Chernow's life of Hamilton a couple of years ago at a library sale in Michigan (hardcover, excellent condition, for all of $1.00!) and have been meaning to drive into it. Have just started An Artist of Treason, a life of General James Wilkinson that is proving pretty good.

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