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July 18, 2012


The Ancient


h/t AoS


And yet, the polls indicate a dead heat, more or less. Something will decide this election, but the President's remarks on who built what will, in my view, not seem that big looking back.

Mrs. P

Crackie, going anecdotal, Little Bertie was 13 days old and I was sitting in bed holding him, chatting on the phone with his his Godfather. The radio was on in the bedroom as we were awaiting the news from the GermAutoShow that Jack Nassar of FoMoCo had been handed his feedbag. It was supposed to happen at any moment, according to ALL credible sources. The station was actually running feed from Germany.

Then the feed got interrupted with a live feed from NYC. The live feed was: A plane had just crashed into Tower 2 of the WTC.

Growing up in the tri-state area it immediately connected that planes didn't fly around the WTC and this was BAD. I exclaimed : Oh my gosh ______, a plane just flew into the WTC.

The response from the other end of the receiver was "So?"

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